Monday, August 28, 2006

71.2 percent of Venezuelans rebut taking of businesses

Fortunately not all Venezuelans have lost their mind to the chavismo destructive and old fashioned communist speech.

"Most people are against the Cuban establishment.

A recent survey conducted by major pollster Datanálisis found that most Venezuelans do not support any expropriation of businesses in the public interest, and favor instead the right to private property

Funny thing is that the rich neighboorhood where Major Barreto plans to build a housing "project" in the area where a golf country club is, is mainly a chavista neighboorhood these days. The old "riches" moved away and sold their houses to them. So, one only wonders why is it behind calling the attention like this. I think the solely purpose is to divert the attention of the biggest problem of Venezuela: The electoral one.

Alek Boyd have a very interesting comment about it:

"... Electoral bosses have already stated that the strongest bone of contention -read the fingerprint-catching devices (FCD)- are to be used in the presidential election no matter what the opposition says. Tibisay Lucena and her team seem to have forgotten the audit that took place 23 November last year, when it was revealed -to the utter astonishment of EU and OAS observers- that the Smartmatic machines keep the sequence of the vote, which combined with the FCD do away with the secrecy of the vote. Alas Lucena is not interested in the slightest in giving assurances to Venezuela's electorate that the institution she heads is trustworthy. To the contrary these announcements and the constant refusal to abide by current legislation illustrate beyond all doubts that the least thing that Chavez and his electoral minions want is to conduct a fair and transparent election. Thus far they are the main promoters of abstention, which by the way will benefit Chavez.

On the other hand disturbing news such as the existence of parallel electoral offices are yet to be addressed by authorities of the National Electoral Council (CNE). Additionaly European officials told me this week that Hugo Chavez is "very lukewarm" with respect to having another European observation mission cum election date, for let us not forget that reports produced by both the EU and OAS electoral observation missions deployed last December in Venezuela were sharply critical of the current administration, concluding that there was widespread distrust towards the CNE. Allegedly only the Carter Center is to be allowed 'to monitor' the elections this time round."

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