Long are the days were good'ol Hugo called for the Catholic leadership to become actively involved on the social problems of the country, something that the Catholic church has always done, under Chavez's recommendation, or not.
Morally unacceptable says who? Mr. Morality and Ethics of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez? Ha! The Bishops made us ashamed to whom? Cardinal Urosa, who nobody can't say that he hasn't been spoken in total disagreement with "the opposition voice" when he considered it so, is he working for the Empire? Chavistas used to loooved him, he was the "Chavista" Cardinal, that is, until now. Happens that Hugo is not happy with the Catholic Episcopal Conference statement.
Ahhh but now, no, the Cardinal is not that great human being that they liked to praise so much. Only because the Cardinal is giving his opinion, and this time, is against Hugo's will. Let's watch Chavez Pope-like comments as per yesterday:
Chavez Slams Catholic Leaders
October 22, 2007
CBNNews.com - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called his nation's Roman Catholic Church leaders "morally unacceptable" for criticizing his proposal to rewrite the constitution to do away with term limits.
Chavez latest slam against the Catholic Church came late Sunday, Reuters reported.
Last Friday, church leaders issued a strongly worded statement accusing the Venezuelan president of trying to centralize his power with an "authoritarian" proposal.
His proposal also includes a provision that allows security forces to detain citizens without charge during political "emergencies" or major natural disasters.
The latest plan is just one of 58 amendments that would overhaul the nation's constitution. Chavez helped rewrite the present constitution when he took power in 1999.
Chavez says the amendments are fully democratic and are there to help the country's transition to socialism.
Voters are expected to approve Chavez' reform plan in a special election this December.
The proposal includes moves popular with the public, including shortening the workday and extending social security benefits to street vendors.
Bishops 'Make Us Ashamed'
"They say the reform is morally unacceptable - they are morally unacceptable," Chavez said. "Those bishops that we have make us ashamed."
The Catholic Church is one of the few respected, independent institutions in Venezuela. It has repeatedly criticized the president's leftist policies and has often told him to tone down his often aggressive rhetoric.
Chavez remains popular due to his spending of oil income on the poor. He often casts church bishops and clergy in the role of elitists to the public. He also blames the church for backing a failed coup against him in 2002.
Roman Catholicism is the most popular religion among Venezuelans. However, on the average, they generally practice their faith less than Catholics in other Latin American countries.
Watchdog Groups May Be Outlawed
Watchdog groups believe Chavez is speeding up his drive to build a socialist state.
Also last Friday, non-governmental organization's warned that Chavez's proposal to prevent "polticial associations" from accepting foreign donations may cut off pro-democracy and human rights groups.
Chavez has accused the U.S. of supporting efforts to destabilize his government by these organizations.
The U.S. government denies those accusations, saying that millions of dollars in aid have in fact financed nonpartisan, pro-democracy work.
"Unfortunately, the government of Venezuela has taken a number of steps that have eroded the foundations of democracy in the country," said U.S. Embassy spokeswoman Robin Holzhauer.
Source: Reuters, Associated Press
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