In any case, your present is this translation of an article that is all over the internet in Spanish. It's sort of a personality chart, for you to keep, not made by an astrologer but by a Venezuelan psychiatrist. I haven't found the original source where this article was published, but it appear to be credible enough (that in fact was written by Dr. Pomenta) since it appeared in the blog of Iñaki Anasagasti, representative of the Bizkaia Congress of the Basque Country. Anasagasti was born and raised in Venezuela, son of Basque immigrants.
Are we surprised, really, than the majority of Hugo Chavez's unsavory and lame followers, from Juan Barreto, mayor of the metropolitan area of Caracas, to obscure internet bully posters, trolls like "Slave Revolt" or the Brisbane group of terrorists, have also all kinds of personality behavior disorders? Talk about the meeting of the mentally disturbed minds! He dicho.
After reading this profile, you want to think about what's really happening in Venezuela. How come they are allowing this guy to get away with this?
Psychological profile of PRESIDENTE HUGO CHÁVEZ FRIAS.
By Dr. Prof. Eloy Silvio Pomenta
Psychiatrist, personality behavior studies.

On the basis of its public and well-known behavior, it is possible to locate his personality on the lowest level of the primitive personality types, called them “primitives” since these types of personalities operate on a very primary level and structures into a very disorganized pattern. More specifically, his personality fit within the Narcissist personality behavior, whose more important characteristics are:
1. Grandiosity: An abnormally hypertrophic (overgrown) ego, an absolutely inflated self-concept of itself and strong egocentric tendencies. (For example: they believe they are the most beautiful, intelligent, predestined, messianic, seductive people).
2. Exhibitionism: Necessity of constant attention and admiration. The tendency of the subject to be ostentatious with their physical appearance, their intellectual aptitude or any other peculiarities of their personalities.
3. Omnipotence: Try to establish goals and projects that overwhelm their real capacities and the real possibilities that the environment offers. (For example to be believed the leader of a supposed Latin American, or worldwide revolution).
4. Fragile self-esteem: the inflated ego determines the need of insatiable narcissistic provisions. A “stimuli hunger” and an “addiction” to tributes and allowances settle down. While abundant allowances and tributes flow, the self-esteem is excited. As soon as any frustration happens, sometimes by an insignificant detail, the personality sinks. These fiascos have been calls pseudo-depressions, since they do not involve nostalgia or loss of love like in true depressions. And they hardly last for hours or a few days, the self-esteem recovers as soon as a new stimulus happens.
5. Incapacity to love: Since the entire affective load is concentrated in their own ego, there is no affective availability left to others. In spite of the touching and seductive exuberances that usually unfold the narcissists to captivate other people, they are not able to genuinely love, but they use them for the profit of its intentions or self needs. The narcissists lack scruples and one could say, “They walk on corpses”.
6. Reality judgment: Since they are not being able to see beyond their own ego, they tend to fake and to deny obvious aspects of the reality that do not agree or favor their intentions. For that reason the narcissists usually fail in their projects, because they only see what it agrees to them. They project the fault on the others when something does not come out well.
7. Narcissist rage: The frustrations, the critic in their surroundings and the disgusting aspects of reality, can cause such reactions called of “narcissist rage”, because of the violent and disproportioned response. These rages can blind the conscience and sometimes can create transitory psychotic reactions with paranoid characteristics.
8. Envy: This is the unconscious predominant affection of the narcissist personality. Outside their huge ego, it cannot have anything valuable. They are highly destructive personas. All good and valuable must be destroyed by the narcissist, so that is anything left to envy.
In conclusion, the following can be added: when the narcissist is a common person, the damages do not go beyond itself or of its surroundings. But when a Chief of State of an important oil country is a narcissist, with unlimited resources to seduce and manipulate the masses, a leader who manages to surround himself by pernicious and destructive collaborators, who are able to conquer intellectual followers that propagate his message and other political and economic Chiefs of State or groups who take advantage of their pseudo-ideology with lucrative aims, then the repercussions can get to a catastrophic national and even international level".
This translated article is of Dr Eloy Silvio Pomenta. Dr. Pomenta is professor of the Chair of Psychiatry of the Vargas School of Medicine (Central University of Venezuela) and postgraduate professor of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy of the Psychiatry's faculty. Also, he was President of the Venezuelan Society of Psychiatry (1969).
Some published books of Dr. Pomenta: Research work about “the Mental Health of the Teacher in Venezuela in “The Teacher and the Education in the Venezuelan Society” (1965); Marcuse, Psychiatry and Liberation (1970); The Borderline or the narcissist way to live (1985); The narcissism and the aim of century XX (1989); "Upheaval of Borderline Personality" (2005).
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